Sunday 28 October 2007

That Sunday Feeling...

My God i hate being a woman sometimes. I shall spare you all the unpleasant reasons behind my wish for gender reassignment right now however.

I just walked all the way to the library to photocopy an article for my Neuroscience essay... only to discover that the archives don't go back far enough, so they don't actually have a copy of the article... Trés annoying. I may have to pay a visit to the health library on Tuesday, though i'm not entirely sure if they will have it either...

I have finished my pancreatitis project draft- woot!

I'm so bored. I hate weekends.

Tom and Becca came down for a visit on Friday, for Becca's birthday, and so much fun was had dancing in the Union on Friday night.

Becca was one of the very first people i ever spoke to when i got to Keele, yet after the first few weeks we hardly spoke to each other. Our friendship was only rekindled last year, due to our mutual friendship with M and Roo. In hindsight, i wish i had made more effort with Becca, and in fact just made more effort to be sociable in general. Had i not spent my first couple of years here wallowing in the depths of depression, i might have had a greatly expanded social network and got to know some people who i hold merely as aquaintances a whole lot better.

I wish i was more articulate, so that i could explain myself better.