Saturday 6 October 2007

The Morning After the Night Before...

I am forced to eat my words now, and say that last night was actually awesome.

Me and Maz ended up being dragged to Korfball training at 8, even though i wasn't planning to go and she had no kit. Afterwards we had to race home and get showered and ready for the union and ended up in there at about 11. Me, Maz, Becca, Phil, The Corridor Mate Michael, Gill and Charlie (who invited herself...) were out, and much laughing, drinking and crazy dancing occurred. After the union we all went back to Gill's Z shed and drank vodka in her kitchen until 4. Gill was wasted and attempting to grill waffles until i restrained her... Afterwards Maz and I staggered back here and crashed out. Awesomeness.

Michael The Corridor Mate is a GIANT flirt. Gill blatantly fancies the arse off him, and i gather there is some history between him and Charlie, so it was rather amusing watching them vying for his attention all night, and Michael feeling them both up alternately, oblivious... He flirts with me pretty outrageously as well. I thought previously that i was probably just being a bit big headed... but last night in response to my "its really hot in here" commment, he said "no, that's just you..."


Where do men get this shit from!?

The worst of it is that Michael has a girlfriend, a medical student called Trudi. Saying that, i have only seen her once in a fortnight of being here. And he never goes out with her, since he's always out with Phil and the Korfball club!

I'm slightly concerned at how easy it is for me to forget i have a long term partner, who i adore and who adores me, in the face of male attention and alcohol. Michael is a nice, funny guy, but pretty vile, in the harsh sober light of day... Yet last night i was, not contemplating, that's the wrong word, but seriously imagining going to bed with him. I could even imagine the guilt in the morning. I could put it down to being drunk and horny, but i'd be lying if i said it hadn't happened before. In a strange way, i think its part of missing the boy. I crave attention and affection from him when he's not around, the feeling of which is enhanced when i'm drunk. And obviously i'm happy to accept this affection from anyone! Well, i don't think thats entirely true. I never would cheat on him, i love him, we've been there, it was horrible, and there's just no need for it! I suppose sometimes i worry that me feeling like this means i'm not mature enough for the way our relationship is going, and that imminently, i'm going to fuck the whole thing up, by being a selfish, immature little bitch (again).

Sigh. Why do i feel the need to finger the self destruct button, constantly?

This morning when Maz and I got up we had breakfast in the kitchen with Phil. Becca, Gill and Michael came round, and it was all rather sociable. Bedroom doors were open and everything! I think this corridor has the potential to improve. Heather and Andy couldn't come last night which was a shame. Might have helped the whole bonding process. An in-depth debrief of last night occured, which is always the best part of going out i think. Maz went off to get her train about lunch time and the rest all buggered off to the pub to watch some football match. I didn't go because i hadn't actually had a chance to get dressed on account of all the visitors... plus i don't really like football. Wish i had gone now though as i'm pretty bored.

Only three more sleeps until the boy gets here!

Am addicted to Kate Nash's album at the moment. Boy will be cross.

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