Monday 21 January 2008

Two Little Ducks...

Well, i'm back at University. Which, when all is said and done, isn't so bad really. I have my own nice tidy room, a clean, non moulding bathroom... i can go to bed when i want, and not when my 26-going-on-60-boyfriend decides he is tired... and i can start to get on with some of the work that has been playing on my mind for the past month and a half. I don't know who i think i'm kidding when i take work home to do. I never do it. Ever.

I'm lucky to have got back at all today. Being the hyper-organised being that i am (pfft), i predicted flooding related train delays, and decided to consult the fountain of knowledge that is the National Rail Enquiries website prior to commencing my journey. Feeling highly superior, i carefully selected a non-flooded route and trotted off to the station.

Well. The National Rail Enquiries website LIED. The bastard. Which lead to a four hour, excessively watery journey, highlights of which included a long cold stay in Huddersfield and a magical mystery tour of Manchester. Sigh.

I arrive back to discover that the cleaner wants to clean my room again... she has cleaned it 3 times since i left for Christmas, i have only been back for four days since then- how dirty does she think i am!? And rather more excitingly that Andy and Heather have split up and Andy is in the process of moving out. I can't say i didn't see it coming. They have only been seeing each other about nine months, which by my calculations means they must have agreed to move in with each other having being together only three months. Its a pretty big strain for such a young relationship i would think. Particularly since they seem to have spent every waking moment together, since i've known them anyway. I get the impression that Heather doesn't really have any of her own friends, so they always socialised together. They even do the same course! I think its a credit to them they've managed to refrain from murdering each other for this long. The atmosphere is a tad frosty at the moment, so i gather it wasn't an amicable split. Andy has managed to swap rooms with one of his friends downstairs, which is incredibly generous of his friend i think. Hopefully he will be a decent enough guy to live with. I think i am going to make more of an effort with Heather now she isn't going to be glued to Andy 24/7. I felt guilty about intruding on their couple time before... But now i suppose she will be needing a friend. We shall see anyway.

Yesterday was my birthday, and i think i am now past the stage of being able to convince myself i'm still a teenager. Twenty two is far too grown up. I was eighteen when i met the Boy, all young and nubile... everyone wants an 18 year old girlfriend! I asked him if he still loved me as much now i am 22 and old. He said he did :)

The Boy did indeed buy me a stuffed creature for my birthday, but it is very cute so i think i will forgive him. He also bought me underwear and perfume (the exact same perfume that his parents bought me for Christmas, so now i am going to be bloody swimming in the stuff... i ought to be cross with him for not paying attention, but i just can't bring myself to be... It is very nice perfume at least). Mum restocked my bra collection for me, in order to accommodate my rapidly expanding bosom. Though i say rapidly expanding, i have in fact been wearing the same size bra since i was about 13, so its probably been coming on for a while. I have now achieved my favourite cup size now anyway! I threw some of the manky old bras away today. She also bought me some socks, which is a lot more exciting than it sounds. Previously i had a grand total of zero pairs. I will have to get back into the habit of wearing them.

The Boy and I went ice skating for my birthday which was hilarious... Somewhere along the line, ice skating has apparently become a past time of choice for Chavs... in Bradford at least... and they are surprisingly talented at it! We, however, were not. After a good half an hour clinging onto the barrier of the ice rink, Boy falling on his backside and me accosting some old man... we finally got into the swing of things. It was great fun, and loads better when the majority of the people buggered off home, leaving the rink a little emptier. Rather fittingly, when we got home that Celebrity Dancing on Ice thingy was on so we ended up watching that for a while. Subsequently, ice dancing has been added to my list of things i am going to learn to do when i have money and things... I'm not sure Spencer and Poppleton will be up there with Torvill and Dean for a while yet though...

I should be going to bed now- i have a 9am lecture tomorrow- madness! I don't think i have seen two 9 o'clocks in one day for about two months. Though I always sleep really badly for the first few days back in my own bed, so i probably won't bother going for a while. You would think i'd sleep better without the snoring, farting, cover stealing, space hogging lump beside me, but no. That's not how it works apparently.

1 comment:

dykewife said...

good luck in the new term :)