Friday 18 January 2008

Don't read it, just don't.

Or: Ten Things of Current Annoyance:

#1 I am made to feel about as welcome as an infestation of cockroaches in my "family home". I'm not allowed to eat anything, i'm not allowed to use the washing machine, i don't have anywhere to sleep, i'm not allowed a pillow... My loving family do nothing but argue and snipe at each other, and bearly speak to me half the time. Handy parenting tip a la Rachael: want to get rid of your eldest child? Move to a house with one less bedroom, while they're away, so they can't come back home, even if they wanted to! Yes, i'm 22, yes, i'd rather poke out my own eyeballs than move back into this house, but just being asked, would have been nice. Quite how this plan of my Mother's would have worked out had i not been in a semi-serious relationship with the Boy is beyond me. I strongly suspect i would have been living on my own come Summer 2008. My sisters who i am supposed to be close to, act as though they are members of some private club- the membership of which is excluded to me. I spend half my life feeling guilty about not being at home enough, spending too much time with the Boy and for what. Well i'm giving it up. From now on, i'm just going to do what i want to do, instead of what i think i should be doing, and maybe then i might be a bit happy once in a while.

#2 My Mother's "work mates" spying on me via Facebook, with me being subsequently cross questioned about said Facebook page. Excuse me? Bearing in mind, i have never met these men, i have no idea who they are, they as far as i am aware have no idea who i am, does noone else find this a little suspect? Euch. I am so unbelievably annoyed about it, i can't even think of anything else to say.

#3 University, and its many sub-categories. I have an ever increasing pile of work to do, and an ever decreasing amount of time to do it in. I just can't motivate myself to do anything this week. I was meant to be starting my Non-Experimental Project and finishing my registration portfolio this week... but i haven't...

#4 My Experimental Project. Three months working in that hospital. Three months, and i have 19 results. I should have 60. Not only do i only have 19 results, but i only have 19 completely irrelevant results. The samples are from the wrong people, in the wrong place. Because the right people in the right place can't be arsed to pull their fingers out and spend an extra 36 microseconds with a patient, just to help me. And my so-called project Supervisors, what are they doing to help? Well i'll give you a clue... it starts with FUCK and it ends in ALL. GH really is the most ridiculous, lazy, incompetent TWAT i have ever had the misfortune to come across. I can't stand him. So, no project. Or should i say, a totally pointless and irrelevant project. Excellent.

#5 GH is my Case Studies in Biomedical Science tutor this semester. As if i don't already see enough of him. Joy!

#6 Jo. Jo is my best friend and i love her. But Jo was sent to try me, i swear. With her perfect skin and impeccable dress sense, generous parents and bodybuilder boyfriend, brazillan waxes and fabulous sex life.... the list, it goes on. Jo with her amazing innate ability to always land on her perfectly shod little feet. This time last year neither me nor Jo had been given final year project titles because of the almighty departmental cock-up, which meant picking from the dregs that noone else wanted and failing, or not doing a project, and er, failing. Did Jo use her initiative and go and find herself a project within her hospital? No, but i did. She sat back and fluttered her eyelashes, doing nothing in particular, and somehow ended up with a custom made project from one of the most popular Supervisor's in the whole department, in one of the most interesting and competitive project areas. She has finished her project work. I am stuck with a worthless piece of crap, a prat of a tutor and no results. Christ knows when i am going to finish it. Now, she has landed herself a trainee BMS job. Not just any trainee BMS job, but the trainee BMS job in Microbiology that I wanted... She hasn't strictly been offered it yet, but who are we kidding, this is Jo... of course she'll be offered it. It'll be fabulous and i will have to spend the next 12 months hearing about how much so, whilst i'm scrubbing floors in McDonald's toilets... What makes me doubly annoyed is the fact that i have never even heard about this vacancy! GH is supposed to be the liason between the hospital and the university, and yet surprise surprise, he didn't know anything about it... Its an internal vacancy at my hospital, which Jo's supervisor from her hospital somehow found out about, and told her to apply for. Since GH is so fucking useless, noone else will know about it so its pretty much in the bag for her. Of course, there's no reason why i couldn't apply for it now, but Jo would never speak to me again if i got it and she didn't. So...

I know i'm only being bitter and twisted. I hate that hospital. I wouldn't want to work there again ever. I don't even live near the place, working there would mean staying in Stoke and not being near the Boy for another God knows how many years. But there are fuck all jobs around here. A job is a job at the end of the day. Leeds apparently only take on trainee BMSs internally, which unless i'm very much mistaken means two years working as an MLA earning a pittance, sticking labels on bottles, in the hope of one ever coming up. The whole point of doing the registration portfolio during university was so i didn't sodding well have to go through all that bollocks.

#7 Roo. Roo is my other best friend. Is Roo coming to my birthday meal? No Roo is not coming to my birthday meal, despite telling me almost 4 weeks ago that she would be. No, Miss Ruth is standing me up for a trip to Edinborough with her stupid Dutch boyfriend who never spends anytime with her and tells her how fat her arse is on a regular basis. Well, the choice was clear, eh. I can't think of anything to say about that. I'm just pretty miffed.

#8 The Boy. I strongly suspect he has bought me a stuffed bear for my birthday. Fine, not the end of the world, at least he's bought me a present at all hey? But for God's Sake. I'm 22 years old, we've been going out for almost 3 years, can he not think of something more thoughtful and appropriate by now!?

#9 I had my hair cut. And i don't like it. I look like somebody's Mum.

#10 I can't really think of a 10th reason. I could moan about being 22 on Sunday, but i'm not realy that upset about being 22. I doubt it is much different from being 21. Especially when you're as boring as me.

I don't even feel better now, i just feel worse because i am so unbelievably pathetic.

I warned you.


vuboq said...

*hugs* and *more hugs*

At least you have a handknit VUBOQ hat! Who else in your ENTIRE COUNTRY has one of those? HMmm?

Only me said...

Awww. Cheer up.

#1 Family are envious

#2 Co workers have nothing better to do? Ummm, that says it all

#3 This one you must get motivated for. Go on girl!

#4 GH Sounds a prick indeed

#5 "" "" "" ""

#6 "" "" "" "", Jo loves you as you love her. Apply for the job, you have to do your best in life for yourself, no one else will.

#7 Roo's boyfriend should meet GH, I'm sure they'd get on famously. Then she could come to your party

#8 Perhaps he's planned a suprise and is pretending about Mr Fluffy?

#9 It'll grow out and I'm sure it's not that bad

#10 We all like ya so stop saying that you're pathetic and boring. We don't have friends like that :)

Just my thoughts....