Monday 10 December 2007

Never trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die...

Ouch, moan, whimper. Damn my menstrual cycle.

I have been a busy bee. Well, a busy Korfing bee. I haven't actually done any useful university type work since Thursday. There was a league match on Thursday- Keele 1 vs Keele 2, which was never going to work out too well since we don't actually have enough players for both teams to play at the same time. Both had to play a man down, and so i ended up playing for Keele 2. We lost inevitably- but i scored twice- woop! We only lost by one goal. Maz came up to visit on Friday and there was another league match but i didn't play. We went to Roo's for belated birthday takeaway and Bill Bailey instead. Much fun was had. Saturday was the Manchester Warriors Christmas tournament, which we came last in, in true Keele style. It was quite a fun day though, nice and chilled out, which made a change from most of the tournaments. Becca was her usual annoying, pathetic, immature self but Gill was in a reasonably ok mood so i was not too irritated by them. Spent most of the day chatting to Dave, who is one of Roo's PGCE housemates and who plays for Castle. He came to the tourny with us as we only had two other boys going, and he drove, which was nice of him. I've decided he's pretty cool. I've only briefly spoken to him before really. Yesterday was another league match, Keele 2 vs Castle 3... again i had to play for Keele 2, as in fact did most of Keele 1, as they have no players... We played a man down in my division, which was hard work. And we lost anyway. Recurring theme here...

I really am becoming a Korfball bore... Sigh.

I need to do some revision. I've only revised one lecture so far, despite my best laid plans. Oh well. Only three more sleeps til the holidays! (Maybe two, i haven't decided if i'm going to the Castle Christmas tournament yet...)


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