Sunday 18 May 2008

Comfortably numb

Well, i got the job. Christ knows how, i'm certainly not the greatest interviewee ever. But whatever. I am now a trainee immunologist! 60 people applied for that job. 60! They interviewed about 20 i think. And they gave it to me. Me me meeee. Mwhahaha.

The lab itself is really big and specialised. A world away from the one in Stoke. Seems kind of quiet and serious though and the workforce is leaning towards the aged... not sure how well i will fit in, but hopefully it shouldn't be too bad. Its a step in the right direction, if nothing else.

The lab manager thinks i am still at uni (which i suppose technically i am...), so i have a month or so off to doss around now before i can start work. They have references and CRB checks to sort out though, so i don't feel too guilty about it.

I feel far too grown up.

This weekend i went down to London with The Boy and his awful, arrogant, crack snorting, binge drinking bands. The gig was good, but the company was strained so all in all not the best day. And the 14 hours travelling... not so good either. I detest travelling.

I have spent most of the weekend itching to get back to Daffyd. But now it comes to it i desperately miss The Boy.

We all know Facebastard rules the world, and The Boy's "relationship status" is now set as "single" which i guess makes things official.

I would like my old life back please.


dykewife said...

congratulations on the new job! i hope it is a good fit for you.

Only me said...

Well done!